Landmark has been featured in this week’s Grunion Gazette and Press Telegram as the show prepares to enter its final weekend. In “The Showbuzz” feature, Landmark’s production is outlined along with Landmark’s mission to produce shows that are relevant to the city of Long Beach and that resonate with our local community.

As always, Landmark is dedicated to telling stories that reveal the human condition and resonate within the current social climate, which falls squarely in line with First Congregational Church’s passion for social justice.
– Sean McMullen, Grunion Gazette, Nov 10, 2022
Having experienced a global pandemic the effect of which on the performing arts cannot be understated, and with their 108-year-old theater space dwarfed by brand-new housing construction reaching ever-upward in both size and price, Landmark is uniquely positioned to tell this story with what they say is a personal and current perspective.
O’toole and Dysart say they are convinced that audiences will be profoundly moved, whether seeing the show for the first time, or seeing it again from this new vantage point. This will be the last weekend for theater-goers to find out if they are right.
– Sean McMullen, Grunion Gazette, Nov 10, 2022
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