Landmark’s production of Assassins has been featured in the Press Telegram and Grunion Gazette with a fantastic preview article. The excellent new Arts & Culture writer Willie Plaschke has added depth and context about this fascinating musical and highlighted many of the most important elements of why Landmark is producing this show in bold fashion at this particular time.

Next weekend, Long Beach Landmark Theatre Company brings this darkly comedic vision to Long Beach audiences in “Assassins,” the musical by Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman.
“Assassins” presents a world in which discontent simmers in the American psyche. Follow nine hauntingly complicated protagonists as they attempt to follow their dreams and make their mark by assassinating American presidents.
– Willie Plaschke, Long Beach Press Telegram & Grunion Gazette

The cast and crew of Landmark’s production of “Assassins” hope to lean heavily into the symbolism of presidential assassinations and what’s beneath the story, as opposed to the physical trappings of guns and gun violence itself.
Ultimately, Landmark Theatre strives to connect.
“We want our audiences to feel that their experience with us from the time they arrive to the time they leave the show has been an experience of a very sacred space,” said O’Toole, Landmark’s artistic director. “This is theater made for, and by, the community that we serve. In our core values, service is fundamental to who we are.”
This remarkable production opens next weekend, April 28, and runs until May 14.
– Willie Plaschke, Long Beach Press Telegram & Grunion Gazette
Read the whole article online here: Enjoy Sondheim’s darkly comedic vision at the Long Beach Landmark Theater Company